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Watching the sun go down into the sea

Yesterday evening after work, my family and I went swimming at our nearest beach. Our nearest beach is Nasholim beach. One of the most amazing beaches in the world, it has everything a sea-lover might wish for. Small and large sea coves to explore, baby fish that you can either chase between the rocks or allow to nibble on your dead skin, a huge collection of sea shells and waves that are often large enough for surfing. You can look for the hidden mermaid's chair to make a sitting wish, catch some fish or sift for ancient archeological treasure. Our favourite bay at Nasholim is just big enough for a tiring swim from to one side to the other and back again. If you'd rather do beach instead of sea - the sand is white and soft and made for lazing. I usually stay in the water as much as possible. Life in Israel can be tense, so it is nice to float aimlessly without any thoughts in the Mediterranean sea. The summer is slowly coming to an end which means that the water is finally coo

Haveil Havalim Edition 367

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity." Kohelet 1 (Ecclesiates) 

I have the honor again to host Haveil Havalim - a carnival of Jewish and Israeli blogs.The Haveil Havalim blog carnival was founded by Soccer Dad and every week a different blogger takes a turn to host a weekly collection of blog posts.

The name "Haveil Havalim" means "Vanity of the Vanities" and is taken from the book Ecclesiates in the Tanach (the Jewish Bible). If you blog about Israel or Jewish-related subjects, please feel free to join the Haveil Havalim Facebook group or go and have a look at the Haveil Havalim website.

Batya Medad at Shiloh Musings says why she thinks the university center in Ariel should be named the Ariel University. And in Me-ander she thinks about her aunt's funeral in New York while she is at a memorial service in Israel in Being Two Places at Once.

Susan Esther Barnes at the Jewish posts about not being afraid of death at Afraid of Death? Join a Chevra Kadisha. A Chevra Kadisha is a Jewish burial organization.

In The Real Jerusalem Streets you can read and see some cool photos of Jerusalem and the various reasons why traffic in this ancient city sometimes comes to a halt in the blog post Warning: Traffic Ahead.

The 7th prime minister of Israel, Itzak Shamir passed away last week and the public could pay their respects at the Knesset building. Photos and comments on the ceremony can be seen at Yitzhak Shamir, 1915-2012.

Still in Jerusalem, Miriam's Words posts about Yerushalayim ours FOREVER!

A Soldier's Mother wrote about the Turkish intelligence and the Syrian intelligence.

It is summer time now in Israel and the temperatures are rising! Is it just me or is everybody just being a bit more irritating than usual? :) I give a few tips on How to Survive the Israeli Summer and  at Esser Agaroth you can read about the Top 15 Ways to Act Like an Am Haaretz! (riff-raff).

And that is a wrap! I hope you enjoy reading this week's Haveil Havalim's collection of blog posts.

Marina Shemesh


  1. Marina, thanks for including my posts in your Havel Havelim.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Batya - I always enjoy reading your submissions to the Haveil Havalim carnival.

  2. Hi, Marina, Great job!

    BTW, according to the Jewish perspective, there is only one "testament." The so-called "new" is non-existent.

    If you are interested in a way to define "Tanakh," you could always say Jewish Bible, or Jewish Written Bible, since much in Judaism was originally transmitted orally.

    Haveil Havalim #367 Is Up!

  3. Thanks Esser Agaroth - you were right, I was looking for a word that would explain Tanach. Decided to go with Jewish Bible.

  4. Congrats and you got a great opportunity. thanks! Sample Letter Templates


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